Maitake D-Fraction and SX-Fraction

Maitake mushrooms, scientifically known as Grifola frondosa, are edible mushrooms valued for their delicious flavors and various health benefits. They occur in the wild throughout Asia, Europe, and North America and are readily cultivated. Two essential bioactive extracts derived from Maitake mushrooms are Maitake D-Fraction and SX-Fraction, both known for their potent effects on the immune system. These fractions are found in Maitake fruiting bodies. 

Maitake D-Fraction

Maitake D-Fraction is a water-soluble complex carbohydrate extracted from Maitake mushrooms. Its structure makes it a type of beta-glucan, a group of molecules known for their ability to stimulate the immune system. It has been studied for its ability to help improve the treatment of cancers, HIV, and myelodysplastic syndromes. 

Maitake SX-Fraction

Maitake SX-Fraction (MSX) is a glycoprotein found in Maitake mushrooms. It has been researched for its ability to help the regulation of blood sugar in diabetics, as well as a potential treatment for women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. While further research is pending, the studies conducted so far have been very promising. 

Additional Resources

Nammex  – What is the d-fraction in Maitake Mushrooms?

Pubmed – SX-fraction: Promise for novel treatment of type 2 diabetes

Fraction SX of Maitake Mushroom Favorably Influences Blood Glucose Levels and Blood Pressure in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats

Maitake D-fraction: Healing and Preventive Potential for Cancer Hiroaki Nanba,

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